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Product Review: Beespa Hand & Foot Cream is the Ultimate Sandal Savior

By July 22, 2015No Comments1 min read

By Sylvie-Rose Cherwin

Today I was lucky enough to sample and review the very healing, soothing, and all natural Beespa Ultra Healing Hand & Foot Cream. As we all know, summer is the perfect time for sandals which means you can’t avoid people seeing your feet. Beespa products can help repair your dry and cracked skin from the cold weather and leave your feet feeling fabulous and ready to flaunt in your trendy summer footwear.

When I first looked at it, the first thing that caught my eye was the packaging; it comes in a small glass jar with a clean, simple, and appealing label. The natural ingredients such as beeswax and essential oils give off a delicate scent that leave your skin feeling soft and protected rather than oily and greasy in this hot, sweaty, and sticky weather. It is wonderfully remedial on your feet after a long hot summer day of walking around the busy and bustling streets of Manhattan in sandals.

$29.99 at